About me

Sung Nam's Paintings of everyday life have a warmth of
light and color that captivates the viewer. He has
devoted his artistic talents and experiences into
thirty years of painting the beauty of nature.

Born in Seoul, Korea, Sung Nam began painting at the
age of 13 in fine arts high school. He was taught by
the most famous and prominent artists of Korea. He won
nunmerous awards and competitions for his life-like
replications of real subjects, such as landscapes and
still lifes. Sung Nam went on to earn a degree in Fine
Art Education from Kyung-Hee University of Seoul,
Korea. Immigrating 17 years ago to the U.S., he hoped
to find new inspiration in the beauiful coasts of

While pursuing his career in art, he teaches high
school and college students at his local art studio in
downtown Fullerton, just as he did in Korea. Sung Nam
has held several exhibition, both of membership and
individual shows, in Korea and few in The States. He
is still mesmerized by the lights and colors of the
California coast. His visions of Laguna, Dana point,
and other surrounding areas stem from both observation
and memory. Using both the brush and the palette
knife, Sunga Nam truly brings his visions to life on